The Quantum Connection: How HeartHealing™ Can Transform Your Life

In January of this year I found myself in the midst of a chaotic storm.

I was navigating the challenging terrain of caring for a father battling Alzheimer's, trying to run a coaching business, grappling with an overwhelming number of doctors' appointments, and often finding myself caught in the crossfire of dissenting family members. The emotional and psychological toll of this ordeal was nothing short of traumatic.

Fueled by the quest for a lifeline, I embarked on a relentless search for a therapy or coaching that could provide solace and healing in this challenging time of my life.

It was during this tumultuous period that I literally stumbled upon HeartHealing™. Little did I know, this encounter would set me on a profound journey of self-discovery that would span seven transformative months and still continues.

Fast forward to today, I am one of the 150 qualified HeartHealers™ worldwide, a testament to the life-altering impact of this remarkable modality.

Its creator, Natasha Bray, has not only found recognition on an international scale but has also earned the privilege of retreating with luminaries such as Richard Branson and is now featuring in a film - all because of the incredible modaility she has created.

So what exactly is this HeartHealing™ then?

In the realm of personal transformation, there exists a hidden doorway to the soul – the heart. It's not the experiences we've had, but the feelings woven into those experiences that leave lasting imprints on our hearts. These emotional imprints, whether from moments of rejection, betrayal, judgment, or self-doubt, create an invisible heart wall, a shield to protect us from emotional pain.

The heart is where our true healing journey begins, and it goes beyond conventional therapies. It's the missing link to wholeness, a powerful portal to the soul, the epicenter of our emotional and psychological well-being. In the realm of quantum physics, the heart emits a magnetic frequency 5000 times stronger than the mind. This magnetic force is our bridge to deep healing, connecting the heart and mind in ways we've only just begun to understand.

Researchers have unveiled a profound connection between the heart and mind, known as the Heart Mind. Within the heart, memories are stored, much like a repository of our life experiences. In traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is regarded as the psychological and emotional center, a gateway to higher dimensions. It's through the heart that we tap into universal love, connect with our higher selves, and even access past lives.

As we heal our hearts, we mend the fragments of our soul. With each healing session, we inch closer to a life aligned with our soul's purpose. The heart wall, both physical and energetic, is the guardian of our emotional and physical well-being. It's a fortress built to keep us safe, yet it also limits the magnetic field of the heart, preventing us from receiving the abundance and love we crave.

HeartHealing™ is the key to dismantling these energetic walls and expanding the heart's magnetic frequency, allowing us to receive and achieve more than we ever imagined.

It's the linchpin in the energy system, the heart chakra, that unlocks the potential of all other chakras. When the heart is open, it sets in motion a transformational journey.

In as little as one hour, a HeartHealing™ session can rapidly move you towards the freedom of an open heart, ushering in love, joy, peace, and success. It breaks the cycle of trauma and wounding that may have passed through generations. It's a journey that the mind alone might not uncover.

The goal of HeartHealing™ is clear - it's the missing link to wholeness. It's about achieving a sense of freedom and wholeness that touches every aspect of your life. Success and transformation happen faster when your heart and mind are in alignment.

It has had a profound impact on me - less anxiety, a sense of peace and calmness. I have even stopped forgetting my keys and locking myself out and dare I say I am slightly tidier! I have greater self-awareness and sweat less about the little things.

My clients have described it as “liberating” and “a sense of freedom” they have never had before.

Are you ready to embark on this transformational journey of HeartHealing™? The path to wholeness, love, and success awaits.

Let's break down the walls that have kept you from the life you deserve and unlock the power of your heart.

Sessions included a detailed pre-exercise, a 1.25 hour HeartHealing™ session plus your own personalised subconscious mind imprint for more powerful healing post session. Price: £250

CLICK HERE TO BOOK or get in contact with Lara if you have questions and want to transform your life! / 07817247727


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