What habits do you need to release?

What habits do you want to release?

This is one of the favourite questions I ask myself every year when I create a new vision board.

I ask my clients the likes of these questions also:

- What is it that is not benefiting you?

- What is it that isn’t serving you anymore?

- What is it that prevents you from becoming the person you want to be, that future YOU that you dream of?

And also the following questions:

  • How do you want to feel about your life and work this time next year?

  • How are you wanting to show up?

  • What would greatness look like today without those habits?

Do you know the answer to these questions? If not, it may be time to look inwards.

By doing things differently and perhaps giving some focus to what habits we will be giving up and becoming intentional about that, we can radically change our lives for the better.

The result of which is attracting more positivity and opportunities.

With my clients, I’ve recognised a recurring pattern of habits that are mentioned time and time again:

  • Self-doubt

  • Procrastination

  • Overthinking and worrying

Imagine the potential possibilities without all of these habits in life and work.

Having spent the last few years working on all of the above, in my experience, the key to breaking these habits is our thoughts.

Here’s why our thoughts are so important in the habit-breaking cycle…

The wonderful Dr Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist, researcher, and New York Times bestselling author states:

“Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body. How we think and feel creates our state of being. Your personality creates your personal reality. And your personal reality is made up of how you think, act and how you feel. So your present personality has created your present personal reality - ie. YOUR LIFE”

He goes on to say, in order to create a new personal reality, and with it a new life without self-doubt, procrastination, overthinking and worry, you are going to have to change your personality.

Nothing changes in your business or life until YOU change.

90% of the thoughts that we think on a daily basis are the same thoughts as the day before.

The same thoughts lead to the same choices. The same choices lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors create the same experiences. The same experiences produce the same feelings and the same emotions.

Those same feelings and emotions begin to influence our very same thoughts and our biology, neurocircuitry and neurochemistry hormones, gene expression and immune system stay the same, because we stay the same.

In order for us to change, we have to think about what we have been thinking about and change that.

We need to become conscious of our unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them, and look at the feelings we feel every single day.

What is this feeling? Really dig into the feeling.

Is it frustration, happiness, fear, anger, surprise or resentment for example?

Journaling is great for this, and my E-book (The Little Book Of Journal Prompts) can give you some useful prompts to really think about your thoughts and feelings over the next year.

Write down those thoughts, sit with them and know this; there is possibility and opportunity on the other side of them.

Change is uncomfortable at first, but when you have intention and make small changes to think and act in a different way, you are essentially hardwiring your brain to think that anything is possible.

You can change and you are worthy of success and abundance.

So, if you haven’t asked yourself what 3 habits you are going to release / stop doing lately or ever, then pause for a few moments now and write them down..

Create a plan of what you need to do to make this happen. Think about who the person is that you need to step into or become to really live their release.



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