Why HeartHealing®️ ?

I literally stumbled one day upon HeartHealing® at the beginning of 2023, thanks to a podcast. 

Little did I know, this encounter would set me on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing my own heart, as well as many others over the coming months.

Today, I am a Level 1 & 2 HeartHealing® Practitioner of this life-altering and remarkable modality, which complements my VisionJourney Method® in a very beautiful and spiritual way.

HeartHealing®’s creator and pioneer Natasha Bray, is worldwide Success Mastery Coach and Master HeartHealer® and Founder of the School of Healing Mastery.

Natasha has not only found recognition on an international scale, but has also earned the privilege of spending time with Richard Branson and is now featuring in a film with Jo Vitale - all because of the incredible modality she has created and the profound results it has on individuals, including myself.

Natasha has a 15 year history in transforming lives and helping people overcome blocks, inner wounds and trauma that are holding them back and causing them to sabotage their success in life, love and career. 

What is HeartHealing®?

HeartHealing® is a revolutionary integrative healing approach combining scientific, spiritual and energetic principles for deep and profound shifts. 

Most methods in the transformational industry focus on the power of the mind, and whereas mind transformation can be powerful, we believe it is only one layer. 

HeartHealing® focuses on the most radical and powerful transformation you can ever experience: healing your heart. 

Your heart holds the wisdom to what is really holding you back and reveals the hidden wounds your mind cannot see.  

According to quantum physics, the heart has an energetic frequency thousands of times stronger than the mind. 

So it makes sense that healing your heart may create much bigger transformation than just healing your mind. HeartHealing® also imprints changes at a soul level through the incorporation of spiritual techniques and wisdom.

We have all had experiences that have impacted our heart, whether that’s a loss or trauma, feeling rejected or betrayed, judged, unsafe, not accepted, abandoned or not enough in some way. 

We learned to put walls up around our hearts to stop us ever feeling that pain so intensely again. But in doing so, we also created energetic blocks to receiving the unconditional love, success and abundance we truly desire and dream of. 

HeartHealing® is based on a relationship based model of success that is attachment and trauma informed. It metaphorically breaks down those walls built around your heart by unveiling and addressing the cycles of trauma and wounding passed down through families in as little as ONE hour

This approach unveils hidden blocks that mind-based techniques alone are unlikely to uncover and rapidly moves the client towards a sense of inner freedom through opening their heart to receiving more love, abundance, inner peace and success in their lives.

The goal is a sense of wholeness and freedom that impacts every area of the client's life. When the heart is opened and head and heart are truly aligned, success and transformation can happen much faster. 

Impacted personally by bullying and toxic behaviour and relationships all through my life, healing and mending my heart through HeartHealing® has been profoundly powerful and these are the results so far which continue:

  • Gave up drinking alcohol in September 2023 when I realised that alcohol had been a crutch to help me navigate my under confidence and low self-esteem in difficult and challenging situations where i didn’t feel safe.

  • The eternal deep feelings of sadness around my experiences have dissolved.

  • My scattered mind is more organised and able to overcome feelings of overwhelm and apathy.

  • Healing from my OCD dermatillomania habit (skin picking) no longer triggered by periods of anxiety as the anxiety has lessened to a low ebb.

  • Able to ask for help openly to assist me with bettering my life, rather than struggling on my own.

  • Feelings of peace, calm and gratitude surround me instead of overwhelm and anxiety.

    Your own path to wholeness, love, and success awaits.

Enoughness Wound HeartHealing® Session - 1.5 Hours over 14 Days

(Includes Pre-work & Bespoke Personalised Imprint)

Heal your Enoughness Wound where you get to listen to your very own personalised recorded Heart Imprinting® audio post-session for 25 days to complete your transformation.

Clients have had profound shifts from the one session alone.

HeartHealing® Journey - 9 Weeks

PRICE - £2.222

A deep dive into uncovering and healing the hidden wounds (Receiving Wounds®) of your heart and get clear on everything you want to be able to receive in your life and what you want more of, whether it be Love, Worth, Trust, Money, Confidence or Visibility etc.

Open your heart with these 4 profound HeartHealing® therapeutic sessions to deeply and rapidly heal your Receiving Wounds®, opening your heart and transforming your awareness, understanding on a mind, heart and soul level.

You will receive support and healing tasks between sessions to maximise your transformation during our time together.

“Healing your heart is so much more powerful than healing your mind.”  ~ Natasha Bray ~

Get in touch with me to book Your HeartHealing Session Now!


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