6 Ways To Find Your Purpose

6 Steps to Finding Purpose & Your Dream

Everybody needs a sense of purpose, whatever that looks like to you – it’s very personal.  A belief that what you are doing is important and can make a difference in the world. Making the effort to find your own unique purpose / dream in life could be one of the most important actions you take during your lifetime.

When you live your life with a sense of deep purpose it does become a source of happiness, fulfilment and most importantly, power.  It transforms your life and makes what once seemed impossible into something that is very achievable.

When you find purpose you can achieve anything you really want to achieve and your life will never be the same again.

Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. “.  This means that when you start doing what you love, your life can become enriched in eve y way.

Many of us get trapped in jobs that we don’t like or don’t align with our values  and we can see no real way out.  However, even if where you are right now is not where you want to be at all, by asking yourself the questions in this worksheet, you will be beginning that journey of discovery, getting closer to what that life could actually looks like, it’s a stepping stone to a new world and future.

When you are passionate about certain things in your life, and you take consistent actions in those areas, then you start living your life with far greater purpose.


Answer the following: 

What are your unique contributions to the world so far?

Think back to your early years til now and really think about this question.  This could be anything from your different jobs, exams, being a parent, work experience when you were young, helping others, volunteering…..just write everything down that comes into your head and don’t question it.


Answer the following.

What are your current skills?

This can be anything from what you do for your work, how great you are with social media, how good you are with people, cooking, playing piano….again, write everything down that comes into your head and don’t question it, see this as a journaling exercise!


Answer the following:

What activities make you feel the most alive and give you the most enjoyment in life?

I know this is difficult right now to imagine, but imagine when we are out of COVID and write all of those things down.  This can be anything from running, skiing, snorkling in torquise water, walks on frosty blue skied mornings…


Answer the following:

If you knew that you could not fail, what would you most love to do?

Write everything down that comes into your head and don’t question it.


Answer the following:

What do you enjoy learning about the most?

Write everything down that comes into your head and don’t question it.


Answer the following:

What kind of giving is the most rewarding for you?

Write everything down that comes into your head and don’t question it.


Finding purpose isn’t something that happens overnight, trust the process and when you get clear on what it is that you love most in the world and try and combine that with work that you do that lights you up, then you get closer to it.

The Japanese believe that everyone has an ikigai – which is a reason to jump out of bed each morning=purpose.  Ikigai is asking yourself what you are good at, what you love, what the world needs and what you can be paid for, which in turn gives you passion, a mission in life, vocation and a profession!

 Enjoy the journey you are on and the start of this process!


How did you get on?

 I hope you found these questions useful and you are a few steps now in getting closer to your purpose and ultimately your identity, your values and your reason for doing what you do every day.

Its all about finding out why you do what you do.  Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behaviour, shape goals, offer a sense of direction and create meaning.  How do you relate to other people? What can you share with the world? How can you use your passion? This can then lead you to find your dream….

Completing this exercise should make you feel more positive and empowered, showing you what you can offer the world and others.

Following on from this exercise, creating a Vision Board then gets you really clear on what it is you really want and what direction to take next…………

Get in touch to enquire about my “VisionJourney®️” Programs…


The Power Of Visioning With Vision Boards


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